ELECTRIC PROCELAIN KHARAL glazed out side but with insidegrinding surface unglazed as is the grinding end of Pestle is used extensivelyfor mixing and grinding of Homeopathic medicine, pigments, refractories,cosmetics, granules, chemicals, ceramics, Drugs manufacturers for unattendedgrinding material which are not gummy or fibrous.
The machine is designed to meet thedemand for a labour saving device, which would fill all the requirements forgrinding and mixing of different manufacturers. The base is strong attractivelyfinished upon which Mortar revolves and forth in a pattern reaching all partsof mortar. The Pestle is held firmly in weighted Pestle head. Arm of Pestlemechanism has hinged. Built in Automatic Timer 0/60 mts. "Holderï Switch isprovided for continuous untamed operation. The Scraper blade made of stainlessSteel / Teflon is provided with scrapper arm. Sample is shielded from AIR BORNECONTIMNANTS BY transparent Perspex cover.
After the material has been grounded, the Pestle holder is raised andPlate holding the Motor is lifted off so that the contents can be emptied andMortar Brushed out or sterilized by flame.
- Completewith Scrapper and one set of 300 MM dia(12ï) Porcelain Kharal with wire andplug and cord for 220 volts 50 cy. AC only.
Approximate Cap : 8 - 10 Ltr, with HP Single Phase motor